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Bolton/Trapp Trail
Bolton/Trapp Traverse: being at this place was an unbelievably spiritual experience!
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Lunch at the beaver ponds
Lunch at the beaver ponds
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Field skiing on a misty day
Field skiing on a misty day
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We came from the stripes on the field in the distance
We came from the stripes on the field in the distance
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Magic in the Enchanted Forest
Magic in the Enchanted Forest
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Field skiing
Field skiing with Leslie, Carrie's Mom.
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Our favorite ski brand, Voile—the best climbers, great shape and construction for the varied conditions one can find in the backcountry.
Our favorite ski brand, Voile—the best climbers, great shape and construction for the varied conditions one can find in the backcountry.
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Camping at Green River Reservoir
Camping at Green River Reservoir
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A well-utilized tree with interesting fungi
A well-utilized tree with interesting fungi, host to other species after its passing.
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Beautiful fungi
Beautiful fungi
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Trilliums: you have to get down at their level for maximum appreciation
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View of VT backcountry terrain
View of much of our backcountry terrain
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View of Mt Washington
I've only been on the other (main, Tuckerman's) side, but the photo was too good not to include. Some years I am lucky to skin up the Tuck's Trail to HoJos and ski down the Sherburne. I bootpacked and skied Left Gully one time.

What more needs to be said?!

Well, maybe a little bit. One reason I came to Vermont twenty-four years ago (yes, I was a flatlander) was to have better and more frequent access to snow-skiing. I had been coming up for years with ski house friends, but not too frequently.

Once planted in Vermont, it's interesting what you didn't think of in advance. I'm self-employed so I have a flexible schedule, but my friends were still coming up on weekends. As I met locals, they were all free-heelers that liked to ski the "bumps and ice" at Mad River. I became one with them for a number of years.

Over time I met more people that liked to go into the backcountry, including my now-husband. On nipping expeditions I used to joke with him about spending time cleaning up the woods when there were plenty of chores to do in the house and yard. But I became enlightened. Perhaps a bit too much. I ski solely in the backcountry now and global warming is having an impact.